73 research outputs found

    Innowacyjność w kulturze – szansa czy konieczność?

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    Innovation in culture – a chance or necessity?The subject taken in the article is the analysis of innovation in the culture. This leads to the broad description of the development of EU policy in this context. Later in this article the author analyzes both the disadvantages and advantages of existing approaches – in relation to culture as artistic activities and management in this sector

    Watching culture : the role of cultural studies in view of changes in culture management in Poland

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    Recent years have seen dynamic growth in the number of researches in culture. Thanks to them, more is known about the cultural market. Institutions/cultural organizations are increasingly conducting a dialogue with their customers, meet their needs. At the macro level increases the number of tests is used to build the knowledge, the creation of a development strategy, or vision of cultural policy. At the micro level serves institutions and organizations of culture. The article describes the Polish most important types of research with their strengths and weakness like: -Central Statistical Office research; -Commissioned research; -Grant programs for research in the culture - in Poland there are very few; -Research related to work on strategy; -Research associated with project co-financing from EU and national funds. The author wishes to establish a comparative discussion, a dialogue on the role of studies in culture in a much wider dimension

    The image of gypsies in Polish collections of iconographic materials (19th century - first half of the 20th century) : reconnaissance

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    The image of Gypsies in Polish collections of iconographic materials (19th century - first half of the 20th century) - reconnaissance. At least since the Middle Ages the people of Europe have shared their space with the nomadic Gypsy people. Its long, often troublesome neighborhood resulted in the formation of two parallel, though different, stereotypical images of the Roma in European culture. In one of them one, they are portrayed negatively, as the personification of all the pejorative and demonic qualities. Two words describing Roma Stereotypes in this language context are as follows: dangerous vagrants, thieves, criminals, living without any moral rules. Under the influence of romantic ideas in European culture a different picture of the Gypsies began to take shape. According to this ideal, they were considered to be free people, living itinerant lives and in harmony with nature, free from hard work, colorful, cheerful, independent and artistic. In this paper we would like to present how the ideas existing in the nineteenth-and twentieth century culture reflected in the iconography of Roma. On the basis of Polish collections we will show the most important themes and motifs associated with the iconography and mythology of this minority. At the same time, we will try to show to what extent the European images coincided with the real culture and tradition of the Gypsies. In the analysis we will use both engravings, woodcuts, paintings, graphics press and photographs found in public collections in Tarnow, Sejny or Krakow, as well as in various private collections

    Culture and sustainable development : a subjective overview of the use of participatory engagement tools

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    The concept of sustainable development and the strategies of implementing sustainable development at the country, region and city level are not just empty words commonly used by politicians, public administration, or the media. The paper presents a long-standing global discussion on the concept itself and its main components. It also unfolds the increasingly intense attempts to devise strategies premised on sustainable development and to consider culture (in the very broad sense of the word) as the key determinant of development. This is illustrated by the description of the use of one of the tools of social participation - participatory engagement - based on case studies from the domain of culture

    W stronę badań nad zarządzaniem w kulturze

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    Towards research on management in cultureThe author of the article analyzes the problem of culture management in Poland in the context of research. Studies dealing with this topic lead to but very few conclusions in Poland. They are associated generally with public culture and almost totally disregard other forms of cultural activity. The author considers the advantages and disadvantages of the statistical approach to culture. He stresses that in Poland there is no consistent methodology associated with the collection and processing of statistical data. The author presents various forms of research funding in this area such as for example Culture Observatory NCK. Take the subject approach to research among the people creating a culture – too strong an attachment to statistics, a lack of interestt the level of the administrative, lack of financial resources. The most tangible effects are: poor contact between creators and consumers of culture, lack of strategy development, low competitiveness of public institutions

    Dziedzictwo kulinarne wykorzystane. Wybrane elementy zarządzania dziedzictwem kulinarnym we współczesnej Polsce

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    Culinary heritage as used in the present. Selected elements of the culinary heritage management in contemporary Poland The issue addressed in the following text has been the subject of research for a long time now, but it has only relatively recently become an element of practical management, as local and regional cuisine is increasingly often used for marketing, tourism product development and for supporting regional and local entrepreneurship.The text is divided into two parts: in the first part, the author presents a brief history of Polish cuisine. The second part focuses on the contemporary usage of culinary heritage in many contexts, including regional policy

    Obserwatorium kultury – idee, pomysły, możliwości

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    CULTURE OBSERVATORY – IDEAS, POSSIBILITIES The subject of the article focuses on the field of culture observatory in the context of culture management (very fashionable approach in last few years). The author describes many years of experience in this field in different countries and organizations, among others, her own experiences in ENCATC Working Group: Cultural Observatories and Cultural Information and Knowledge. She also tries to analyze the Polish experiences and presents her own refl ections on the topic

    Culinary heritage as used in the present : selected elements of the culinary heritage management in contemporary Poland.

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    Problem poruszany w niniejszym tekście jest nie od dzisiaj przedmiotem badań naukowych, ale od stosunkowo niedawna stał się elementem praktycznego zarządzania, gdyż kuchnia lokalna i regionalna coraz częściej jest wykorzystywana do działań marketingowych, tworzenia produktu turystycznego i wspierania regionalnej i lokalnej przedsiębiorczości. Tekst został podzielony na dwie części: w pierwszej autorka przedstawia krótką historię kuchni polskiej. W części drugiej podejmuje wątek współczesnego wykorzystania dziedzictwa kulinarnego, zarządzania nim.The issue addressed in the following text has been the subject of research for a long time now, but it has only relatively recently become an element of practical management, as local and regional cuisine is increasingly often used for marketing, tourism product development and for supporting regional and local entrepreneurship. The text is divided into two parts: in the first part, the author presents a brief history of Polish cuisine. The second part focuses on the contemporary usage of culinary heritage in many contexts, including regional polic